Концепция «сложного общества» как основа прагматического анализа политических процессов в развивающихся странах»? (Доклад на Международном научном конгрессе «Глобалистика-2020: Глобальные проблемы и будущее человечества»)

Куликов В.
PDF (Rus)

IISES is an independent pan-European research (analytical) center and a sub-regional platform for international discussion and exchange of views and comparative assessments between experts and participants in economic and social processes in Europe, Russia, and the countries of Eurasia. We can say that this Institution is an example of “continental” (as it is often described by French historiography) or “alternative” (innovative/promising) in the pan-European intellectual space.

The long-term goal of the organization is to prepare, promote and publish research in order to develop a more balanced model for the development of the complex socio-economic structures of European and Eurasian origin, to test and improve the arguments of experts on current and promising socio-economic processes, as well as to ensure the participation of representatives of nonhegemonistic powers in the nomination of alternative scenarios of the future in the above processes.