Regional Political Order in the Area of Soviet Interests in Eastern Asia (Part 2: “Beiyang Inheritance”)

Dudin Pavel N.

Introduction. In the presented article (the second part of the work), the main attention is focused on the period following the change in foreign policy towards China and the departure from attempts to organize/facilitate the organization of the revolutionary movement in this country. The rhetoric inherent in the first years of the Soviet leaders, the direction of striving to convince the international community of the exceptional peaceful nature of the new government and the refusal to use both military and economic levers of pressure in foreign relations, was, of course, of a practical nature. In a number of cases, this brought the desired results, as in relation to Mongolia and Tuva, but did not work in relation to China. Thus, the article, based on the analysis of the content of diplomatic correspondence, attempts to show the change in tactics of Soviet Russia to ensure its interests in the Far Eastern direction and its results.

Materials and methods. The materials on the basis of which the scientific article was written, and the research methods have not changed and are similar to those used in the first part of our work.

Results of the study. As a result, the author proves the formulated premise that the “export” of socialist ideas to China has encountered objective difficulties that demanded a departure from a number of initial principles and focus on the priority tasks in relations with the republican authorities of our wayward neighbor, and above all — diplomatic recognition.

Discussion. Awareness of the need to change attitudes towards China and the effective measures taken for this, first made it possible to eliminate the threat from the representatives of the white movement, and then to achieve and restore diplomatic relations.

Conclusions. Diplomatic rhetoric varied from relations between “fraternal peoples” before 1920 to a strategic partner in the subsequent period, which ensured mutual recognition and the signing of an Agreement of General Principles for Settlement of Issues in 1924.

Key words: regional political order, East Asia, Soviet-Chinese relations, “export of revolution”, socialist ideology.