Introduction. One of the key factors in the development of artificial intelli
gence (AI) technologies is fundamental brain research. Currently, only seven count
ries are implementing major national brain research projects. In the context of the
implementation of Russia’s AI strategy, the development of international coopera
tion in the field of brain research is of significant importance.
Materials and methods. The research uses general scientific methods: analysis,
synthesis, systematic and comparative. Informational and institutional approaches,
as well as theoretical concepts of modern globalism are applied. The main materials
are scientific publications of Russian and foreign authors on the studied issues, as
well as official strategic documents and information and analytical reports.
Results of the study. Most national brain research projects record the achieve
ments of neuroscience as an important factor for the development of AI technolo
gies. Currently, a large, open and convergent brain science has been formed at the
international level, claiming to be fundamental discoveries, which will largely deter
mine the vector of scientific and technological progress in the 21st century and plays
a significant role in international integration processes.
Discussion. After 02.22.2022, Russia is facing severe sanctions pressure, in
cluding in the high tech sector. Therefore, it is important for Russia to keep the issues
of scientific and technological development at the level of low policy.
Conclusion. International cooperation in the field of brain science will beco
me an important factor in the development of AI technologies for Russia, and will
contribute to overcoming the consequences of sanctions in the f ield of high tech
Key words: global study, informatization, Big Brain Science, neuromorphic tech-
nologies, artificial intelligence, AI, international cooperation.
Vykhodets Roman S.
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