Introduction. Rio 92 — United Nations Conference on Environment and Deve
lopment (Rio de Janeiro, June 1992) under the auspices of which not only the con
cept of sustainable development was formulated, but also the main mechanisms and
principles for its implementation — SD strategy, were developed. Thus, the basic
landmarks of the historical dynamics of civilization of the late XX — XXI centuries
were outlined.
Materials and methods. The work uses data from domestic and foreign sources
on the historical, philosophical, and methodological aspects of sustainable develop
ment. The study is based on general scientific methods of logical analysis, compari
son, and generalization. The systematic approach used in the work contributes to
a holistic consideration of the theoretical foundations of the sustainable development
Results of the study. The problem of the relationship between man and his en
vironment initially became the object of deep religious and philosophical reflection.
However, only at the beginning of the XX century, its interpretation reaches the level
of fundamental scientific research. In this context, special importance is given to
the analysis of the ideas of V.I.Vernadsky, who gave the social and environmental
issues a conceptual character, linking the idea about the “autotrophy of mankind”
with the phenomenon of the noosphere.
Discussion. From the second half of the XX century the world scientific com
munity focused on the analysis of the system of global problems of our time, as
the most important of them was considered the aggravation of tension in the bio
sphere in the process of expanding the activities of the global society. The discus
sions showed that the ecophobic essence of the world development model needs a ra
dical transformation aimed at a more active perception of modern socio ecological
and socio cultural stereotypes. This search turned into developments in the field
of the concept of sustainable development as an actual strategy for the positive
dynamics of civilization.
Conclusion. Over the past 30 years, the world scientific community has made
a lot of efforts not only to identify the origins of the contradiction between the re
lationship between man and his socio natural environment, but to formulate a conceptual
model for the development of civilization that ensures the stability of the global system “man—society—biosphere”.
The implementation of the mechanisms of
the sustainable development strategy is the key to the positive and steady progress
of civilization deep into the third millennium.
Key words: Rio 92, the concept of sustainable development, noosphere, the con-
ceptual apparatus of the theory of sustainable development, the “triad of sustainability“
Los Victor A.
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