Cryptocurrency as a New Tool in Global Governance

Mosakova Elizaveta A.
PDF (Rus)

Introduction. The leading global trend in the development of the modern world is
its digital transformation, one of the most striking manifestations of which is the ra
pid spread of cryptocurrencies. In matters of the expediency of the volume of regu
lation of cryptocurrencies, the positions of international organizations and national
governments differ significantly, which is explained by their revolutionary nature and
the dangers they pose for the financial system and the political world order.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study is the general sci
entific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction and deduc
tion, abstraction, as well as the ascent from the abstract to the concrete and system
structural. In the process of working on the study, special research methods were also
used, such as: collection of scientific sources, collection of information, economic
and statistical analysis.
Results of the study. As a short(term prospect for the development of crypto-
currencies, it is advisable to strengthen the regulation of the crypto(market and form
a system of supranational crypto(regulation, and in the medium(term, the creation
of a radically new system of global governance based on crypto(currencies.
Discussion. The main trend in the development of the modern global crypto
market is the transition from a complete ban on cryptocurrencies to their full recog
nition and legalization. In the short and+ medium term, the number of cryptocurren
cies will only increase, which will inevitably lead to a crypto revolution in the global
governance system.
Conclusion. There are several concepts of global governance in modern political
science. However, while politicians and scientists are actively debating which concept
is more relevant, a crypto revolution is taking place that will contribute to changes
in the global governance system. Cryptocurrency, due to its essential characteristics,
such as anonymity and decentralization, can become the tool on the basis of which
a new global governance system will be built.
Key words: cryptocurrency, world currency, supranational regulation, cryptorevolution,
global governance, political world order, global f inancial architecture