Current issue


The article is devoted to the history of the formation and development of the Faculty of Global Processes of Moscow State University, one of the youngest faculties of Moscow University, the twentieth anniversary of which falls on the year of the 270th anniversary of the first university in Russia. The stages of the formation of the faculty are highlighted, its main achievements and role in the development of science, education, scientific and diplomatic activities of Moscow University are noted. The key areas of development of the faculty and events dedicated to the anniversary of Moscow University are noted.
Keywords: anniversary of Moscow State University, faculty of global studies, globalistics, scientific diplomacy.

Mathematical Modeling of Global Studies as One of the Scientific Directions of the Faculty: Main Results

Akaev Askar A., Malkov Sergey Yu., Korotaev Andrey V., Bilyuga Stanislav E.

One of the functions assigned to the Faculty of Global Processes at Moscow State University is to carry out fundamental work on the application of mathematical methods to analyze completely different socio-political, economic and cultural processes on planet Earth as a successor to the Club of Rome. The faculty’s experience in this area for more than 15 years shows that this area continues to live and develop, and is also transmitted to our younger generation through lectures and textbooks in the classroom. The paper presents the results of the faculty’s activities in the field of mathematical modeling of global processes as one of the scientific areas of work.
Key words: mathematical modeling, Club of Rome, nonlinear dynamics, Faculty of Global Processes, global studies.

Department of Globalistics: : Innovation, Fundamentality, Interdiscipality

Ilyin Ilya V. , Leonova Olga G., Musieva Jamilya M.

The Department of Globalistics was one of the first to appear at the Faculty of Global Processes. The order for its establishment was signed on June 10, 2008. It included outstanding scientists: professors and associate professors, including Academician Arkady Dmitrievich Ursul and a well-known specialist in the history of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.A. Zmeev. Today, two prestigious scholarships, awarded to students of the faculty for significant achievements in scientific research and studies, have been named after them (posthumously). The head of the department is the Dean of the Faculty, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Ilya Vyacheslavovich Ilyin.
Key words: Department of Globalistics, Faculty of Global Processes, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The article discusses the history of the creation and development of the Department of Geopolitics of the Faculty of Global Processes of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The main attention is paid to the employees of the department, who constitute its main potential. The educational and methodological work is reflected, the courses taught by the department’s staff are characterized. The Department of Geopolitics pays great attention to working with graduate students. An important component of the work of the Department of Geopolitics is scientific work and the publication activity that reflects it. In conclusion, prospects for the development of the Department of Geopolitics are outlined.
Key words: Department of Geopolitics, Faculty of Global Processes, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, personalities, educational and methodological work, scientific work, publication activity.

Department of Global Social Processes and Youth Work: Current Research on the Global Development

Smakotina Natalia L., Alekseenko Anna M., Andreev Alexey I., Gasparishvili Alexander T., Lukashina Elena V., Pokrytan Pavel A., Shershnev Ilya L.

Abstract. The article analyzes current global studies of the development of the modern world at the department touches upon social processes and work with young people of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov: philosophical, sociological, political, economic approaches. The article substantiates and reveals the goals and objectives of the department’s development, reflection of research work, as well as participation and organization in conferences. Particular attention is paid to such a process as social transformation and its role in the social uncertainty of the modern world. The main goal of studying current issues of research of the modern world allows us to provide proposals for optimizing the earliest possible exit of mankind to the path of development. A separate necessary block in the article is the preservation of the philosophical approach to the study of global development: it allows us to study global objects and processes as complex systems, the external interaction of their elements. In addition, the article also reflects the socio-cultural approach, which allows us to consider and solve problems of global development, including in the educational process. The political approach to solving problems is based on the study of transparent diplomacy as one of the revolutionary tools for restoring public health functions, which, in turn, need modern support. One of the points of view on economic security solves the most important problems – updating the quality of scientific forecasts of development not only in individual countries and regions, but also throughout the world. Thus, the article examines and proposes a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to the study of current problems of global development of the modern world.
Key words: current research on global development, social uncertainty, sustainable development, philosophical approach, sociological approach, political approach, economic approach.

Global Communications Chair and Challenges of Modern World

Voronkova Lyudmila P., Kornienko Olga Yu., Kochurov Nikolay V.

The article examines the origin and development of the Global Communications Chair at the Faculty of Global Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The attention is focused on such important areas as scientific, educational and methodological work of the chair, it being represented by scientific publications, monographs, textbooks and manuals of the department staff. Much attention is paid to lecturing in foreign languages, holding scientific events and organizing dialogues with scientists from other countries and educational institutions. The article scrutinizes an innovative potential of many courses developed at the chair, especially the ones for professional communication. In conclusion, the prospects for the development of the chair are outlined.
Key words: Chair of Global Communications, scientific work, educational and methodological work, communication environment, globalization of cultural sphere.

The Department of Management Theory and Technology has been recreated and is successfully functioning at the Faculty of Global Processes, solving current problems of modernization of higher professional education set by the Rector of Moscow State University, Academician V.A. Sadovnichy and the dean of the faculty, Professor I.V. Ilyin. The staff of the department carries out the functions of educational, educational-methodological, scientific-research, educational and social work in accordance with the Charter of Moscow State University and the regulations and documents in force at the university. The teaching staff of the department is actively working on updating and updating the working curricula and work programs of disciplines in the areas of training in bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and is training postgraduate students. Priority attention is paid to scientific activities on the issues of global economics and management, research on the processes of regionalization and digitalization of the global economic space. International cooperation with the People’s Republic of China is developing.
Key words: university department, Moscow State University, educational work, scientific research, educational and social activities.

The article is devoted to the study of the development of the Department of Political Science of the East, the analysis of its scientific, pedagogical and research activities. The efforts of the department staff since its establishment were aimed at the development and implementation of high-quality new curricula, programs, lecture courses, textbooks and teaching aids so that students could get an adequate idea of ​​the real processes in the socio-economic and political development of the countries of Asia and Africa. Global upheavals of the late 20th century, the process of formation of the young Russian state and its role in the international arena, the problems of reforming higher education and, in parallel with this, the establishment of political science – all this was reflected in numerous discussions of that period, then duly developed in theoretical and applied research by employees and graduate students of the department.
Key words: Moscow University, political science, international relations, oriental studies, political development.