World Dynamics and the Russian Project of a New World Order

Ilyin Ilya V.
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Abstract. This paper was prepared based on the materials of the same name report, made by the author at the plenary session of VII Scientific and Practical Conference of Russian Analysts at the INION RAS on October 20, 2022. The main methodological approach to the study of global processes is an interdisciplinary system analysis, supported by the active use of mathematical modeling. This paper not only assesses the current processes of phase transition in global
development, analyzes them from the point of view of various scenarios for its implementation, but also puts forward proposals for the actions of our country in new, unique for world history, conditions. An important conclusion of the report and article is a reasonable assumption about the special significance of Russia in the process of forming a new world order as the ideological core of this process and the basis for its resource support.
Key words: world order models, world dynamics, global development scenarios, future design, Russia.

Strategies for the Development of Russian Tourism in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Western Sanctions

Voronkova Lyudmila P.
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Introduction. The subject of this article is the processes taking place in domestic tourism under the inf luence of external inf luences of the COVID19 pandemic and Western sanctions. The purpose and objectives of the article are to show the dynamics of the recovery of Russian tourism, reveal the effectiveness of the measures taken and consider strategies for its development.
Materials and methods. The main sources of information were official documents, reports of foreign and domestic tourist organizations. The work included data from specialized websites, materials from scientific monographs and articles. The study used statistical and comparative analysis of the available information.
Results of the study. Various scenarios for the recovery of international tourism being developed in the literature. Most experts believe that overcoming the deepest crisis in the tourism industry is possible only with the combined efforts of the world community. In fact, support for the restoration of tourism turned out to be extremely selective, and above all, in relation to Russia.
Discussion. The situation in Russian tourism is complicated by the fact that it has been hit by antiRussian sanctions from the West. The path that tourism will
take depends on many factors. The most promising development strategy was the development of domestic Russian tourism. Government support programs for tourism have had a significant impact on the recovery of domestic tourism. Along with this, the tourism development strategy in Russia is focused on the creation of digi
tal platforms and the use of the advantages of modern information technologies in the industry.
Conclusion. The COVID19 pandemic and Western sanctions, along with the negative impact, have become catalysts for the development of domestic tourism, accelerating the solution of emerging problems and demonstrating resilience.
Key words: “coronavirus” crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, anti-Russian sanctions, tourism revival, tourist cashback.

Monetary Spaces of Modernity in the Context of the International Transformational Crisis

Gavrilova Valeriya E.
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Introduction.The author points out that the slowdown in economic growth rates, breaks in international economic ties, trade wars, efficiency problems in the
banking sector in the leading countries of the world economy, indicate a transformational crisis, the most important manifestation of which is the increasing importance various currency areas, which should be considered as potential alternatives to the dominant US dollar currency area.
Materials and methods.The authors rely on materials of the official websites of leading financial organizations, analytical agencies, monographs of both domestic
and foreign authors for applying the analytical method based on the principle of extrapolation and historicity.
Results of the study. The article reveals the essence, conditions for the formation and significance for the participating countries of an effective currency area
in the context of a transformational crisis and high turbulence in the world economy. The ongoing changes in the economies of most of the leading countries indicate the emergence of objective prerequisites for a transformational crisis, which manifests itself in the denial of the principles of the capitalist economy, the weakening of the currency space of the US dollar and demonstrates a protracted nature.
Discussion. The key sign of the transformational nature of the current crisis is the strengthening of the positions of various currency areas, which can be either
newly created by the dominant country (yuan, ruble), formed according to religious (Arab gold dinar) or territorial (euro, Caribbean dollar, Swiss franc) sign, to function partially outside the legal field of the state or corporate level (cryptocurrency). This variety of zones of currency inf luence indicates high economic turbulence and serious global risks.
Conclusion. The authors argue that in the situation of global transformation, which is characterized by destructive economic and social phenomena, objective reasons have formed for the formation of several currency areas, but it is too early to talk about an unambiguous trajectory of their development and dominance.
Key words: money, crisis, transformation, currency area, currency space, payment instruments, cryptocurrency, crypto-offshore.

Australia’s Response to the Challenges of Globalization: Economic Interdependence and Illegal Migration

Kochegurov Dmitry A.
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Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of contradictory aspects of globalization: the strengthening of economic interdependence and the increase of mass illegal migration. Taking into account the fact of growing importance of the Asia-Pacific region and Australia in the regional balance of power, the expedience of analyzing Australian economic and migration policy is justified. The experience gained by its government is taken into account as a response to global trends which pose a challenge to a nation state.
Materials and methods. The source base of the article are the documents, materials of foreign think tanks and media, statistics. In the research methodology,
the author adheres to a systematic and integrative approaches, which allow to cover all the diversity of aspects of Australian economic and migration policy at the present stage.
Discussion. Deepening of partnership between Australia and China and growing interdependence between two economies led to Beijing’s attempt to expand its political inf luence in the region, that met resistance from Canberra. Also, the growth of illegal migration led to strict migration policy by Australian authorities.
Results of the study. Australia’s desire to reduce economic dependence on China and reduce its inf luence at home has run into resistance from Beijing, whose eco
nomic sanctions however have shown little effectiveness. A serious indicator of effectiveness of Australia’s migration policy is the complete reduction of illegal migration and total control over borders.
Conclusion. The Australian case clearly shows us that when the political elites of a country correctly and timely identify the challenges of globalization, they can achieve success. The experience gained by Australia could serve as a guide and roadmap for other countries setting themselves similar goals.
Key words: Australia, globalization, China, illegal migration, economy.

“The Community of the Common Destiny of Mankind”: Features of the Chinese Way of Transforming World Development

Wang Xin
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Introduction. In the context of increasing global interdependence and aggravation of international contradictions, all countries must join forces to create
a new win-win cooperation. The purpose of the work is to analyze the features of the Chinese initiative to create a community of a common destiny for mankind,
and the tasks are to show that this initiative is an important tool for solving international problems and a key direction of China’s foreign policy in a global world.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study consists of such general scientific methods of cognition as analysis, synthesis, induction, and an interdisciplinary approach in the selection of scientific sources of Oriental literature-information. The main sources of research were the official documents of the CCP, normative documents and data from the periodical press.
Results of the study. Xi’s initiative to build a community of human destiny answered the main question of where the world is heading against the backdrop of unprecedented changes in today’s globalization. China has achieved significant results in the implementation of this concept, making a new and significant contribution to the preservation of peace and stable development around the world.
Discussion. Chinese diplomacy in the new era, based on the idea of building a “Common Destiny Community”, has taken on the important role of promoting this
project, taking into account Chinese specifics and negotiating style, thus making a new and important contribution to maintaining peace and international cooperation.
Conclusions. The international situation has become more complex and unstable, the initiative to build a “Community of a Common Destiny for Humanity” provides the world community with the prospect of effectively solving common problems and settling a number of major universally significant contradictions.
Key words: unity, destiny, China, politics, world, interaction, community, transformation.
